Picky Eater Power! Know The Food Tips for Happy Kids. Mealtimes with picky eaters can be frustrating and stressful for parents. Getting your kids to try new foods, eat their veggies, or even finish an entire meal can feel like an uphill battle. However, with some creativity and patience, you can make mealtimes happier and less combative for the whole family. In this article, we’ll share time-tested tips from parents and nutrition experts for dealing with picky eating in kids, along with answers to commonly asked questions.
Tips to Make Mealtimes Less Stressful
First and foremost, don’t turn mealtimes into a power struggle. If you pressure or coerce your child into clearing their plate or trying foods they don’t want, it will only increase resistance. Instead, focus on what you can control – which is the food you prepare and your own reactions. Here are some key strategies:
Serve one meal for the whole family. Avoid short-order cooking multiple meals to satisfy each person’s preferences. Serve a variety of healthy foods and let kids decide what and how much to eat.
Sit down and eat together. Kids are more likely to try new foods if the rest of the family is enjoying them too. Model good eating habits at family meals.
Involve kids in cooking. Let them help prep ingredients, set the table, or mix and measure. They’ll be more excited to eat foods they helped make.
Relax rules about treats and junk food. Rigid restriction leads kids to overeat those foods whenever given the chance. Moderation and balance is key.
Give small portions. Don’t overwhelm kids with huge servings. Let them ask for seconds if they’re still hungry.
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Focus on Positive Reinforcement
Rather than scolding kids for what they won’t eat, praise them for trying new foods or eating fruits and veggies. Say things like “I’m proud of you for trying the green beans!” and avoid statements like “You have to take one more bite.” Reward with sticker charts, privileges, or non-food treats when they meet goals. Positive reinforcement works better than criticism or threats to promote good eating habits.
The Power of Playful Presentation
Kids eat with their eyes first. If food looks boring, overly messy, or slimy, you’ve already lost half the battle. Take inspiration from professional chefs and get creative with the presentation. Shape food into fun forms, design colorful patterns on plates, or craft edible art. Steer into what sparks joy and curiosity for your child. Sculpt mashed potatoes into Mount Fuji or make “spider” pancakes with banana legs. Get silly by naming recipes things like “Princess Pear Salad” or “Super Hero Sweet Potato Soup.”
You can also encourage kids’ independence and sense of play by letting them assemble their own dishes. Provide separate bowls of each component – grains, protein, veggies, sauces, etc. – and let them create their own masterpieces on their plate canvas.
The Power of Novelty & Variety
Research clearly shows that repeatedly exposing kids to new foods increases acceptance over time. Don’t give up if they dislike something on the first try! Continue offering previously rejected items. Vary colors, textures, cooking methods and pairings too. For example, sweet potatoes can be white, yellow, orange, or purple. They can be fried, mashed, roasted whole, or blended into soup. Top them with cinnamon, cheese, salsa, bean sprouts, pineapple…the possibilities are endless. Over time, the familiarity builds comfort.
Another trick is to get them interested in food origins and culture. Let them pick a world cuisine to “visit” for dinner as you cook ethnic recipes together. As you sample Thai chicken coconut curry, Indian samosas, Mexican tacos al pastor or Moroccan harira soup, you may discover unexpected new family favorites!
The Power of Shapes & Sections
Cutting food into intriguing shapes grabs kids’ interest and makes it easier to eat. Form an assortment of small bites they can easily pop into their mouths. Use cookie cutters, melon ballers, tiny ice cream scoops, or creativity with a knife to produce stars, hearts, cars, dinosaurs and more.
Word of caution – this takes some extra work. To keep your sanity, be strategic. Focus efforts on new foods kids need to try or veggie sides getting rejected. It’s not necessary to sculpt every component at daily meals.
Sectioning food into organized compartments also prevents it from touching or mixing together, which can put off tentative tasters. Reuse ice cube trays, muffin tins, or silicone molds to compartmentalize and contain sauces, dips, toppings. Kids feel more in control when they can customize ratios and mixtures themselves.
The Power of Minis
When faced with a giant chicken leg or huge burrito, kids can get quickly overwhelmed by portions that seem too big or unwieldy. But serve it mini-style, and suddenly little hands and mouths feel empowered and confident to consume it independently.
So swap family-sized versions for pint-sized portions. Think sliders, mini hot dogs, small taco bites versus one huge taco shell to fill. Individualized kebabs, skewers, or smoothie shots give the right sense of scale. When kids feel like they’ve “finished” something, they get a satisfying sense of accomplishment which builds self-confidence as well.
Hiding & Smuggling Veggies
Incorporating vegetables into favorite foods is time-tested mom-wisdom. Masking small pieces in existing dishes helps kids get better nutrition while avoiding the dreaded “eww gross” reaction.
Our ninja ways are manifold. Blend cauliflower into mac and cheese sauce, mash butternut squash into pancakes, stir pureed spinach or zucchini into pasta sauce, cake batter and brownies, grate carrot and zucchini into meatballs. Extend ground meat with chopped mushrooms. Fortify omelets and frittatas with onions, peppers, tomatoes and broccoli florets. The stealth health possibilities are endless!
When kids DO notice extras and question if something contains a suspect vegetable, never lie or trick them outright. Remain matter-of-fact and offer them the power to pick around ingredients if needed. Just say “Yes, there are some onions mixed in. Feel free not to eat them if you don’t want to.” As they grow more accustomed to spotting produce amidst their favorites now and then, resistance will lessen.
Encourage Adventurous Palates
Don’t despair if your child gags dramatics after contacting an unwanted veggie or their tongue darts out to lick dessert before retracting at warp speed from a reviled dinner. Picky eating peaks between ages two and six years when suspicion of anything new runs high. But don’t let early rejections deter your efforts. Kids palates remain flexible over time. Preferences formed during childhood also heavily influence adult diet and health, so getting them on board with variety now matters.
The key is gentle, patient exposure through all five senses. Let them see, touch, smell and even listen to new foods before trying them. Describe flavors, textures and origins conversationally to pique curiosity. Invite them to watch you eating something they currently dislike, without pressure to participate. Ask if they want to lick, then taste…baby steps are perfectly ok. Role model sniffing spices or produce at the grocery store. Grow herbs on the windowsill for them to rub and sniff the leaves.
Over time, when kids remain in charge of what goes into their own mouths, negative reactions tend to calm down. Toleration increases until one magical day, they might actually ask for seconds on a previously hated food! It happens more often than you think.
FAQs on Picky Eater Power
How do I get my toddler to eat vegetables?
- Offer just one new veggie at a time. Pair with something you know they already like. Give 3-5 exposures before throwing in the towel. Vary cooking methods too – roasted, sautéed, pureed into sauces or dishes, etc.
- Lead by example and eat them yourself. Narrate how delicious veggies are in an excited, positive voice.
- Involve your toddler in food prep – have them stir ingredients, shape chopped veggies into fun layouts on their plate.
- Stick to bridge veggies like sweet potato, green bean, corn, peas, edamame to broaden palate before bitter greens.
- Always serve veggies first before the main meal when your toddler is hungriest. Offer dipping sauce for full sensory immersion.
My preschooler subsists on just carbs and refuses protein – help!
- Lean into stealth mixed-dish tactics: add greek yogurt or pureed beans to smoothies, blend tofu into pasta sauce, bake chicken nuggets or meatballs with breadcrumbs/cheese to mask texture.
- Cut protein foods into fun bite-sized pieces. Think chicken “stars for stars” or egg cups in a muffin pan. Creative plating makes it more approachable and novel.
- Step up gradual exposure therapy. Move through purees, small pieces, variated diameters, to eventually complex mixtures. Praise each attempt to slowly acclimate them.
- Serve components separately at first before combining on plate. Allow your child to adjust ratios themselves until comfortable with mixes.
- Explore cultural dishes with naturally softer textures like congee, dal, and curries. Build familiarity with new flavors and nutrition.
My child eats the same 5 foods and refuses to try anything new!
- Stick to the Division of Responsibility. As parent, you decide which healthy foods to offer and when. Your child decides whether and how much to eat from what you provide.
- Involve your child in meal planning and preparation to build investment through menu selection, grocery shopping and helping cook.
- Make trying new foods fun rather than forced. Spin a wheel of food colors or cuisines to “visit,” do monthly food challenges, taste test produce at the store.
- Model adventurous eating yourself, talking through flavors and textures as you try novel items. Mirror the same descriptors you want your child to use.
- Don’t cater to the pickiness by making separate meals. Serve one family meal with at least one food you think your child will eat along with new items.
- Respond neutrally when your child rejects food. Remind them their favorites foods once tasted unfamiliar too when they first tried them.
My child refuses dinner but then is hungry later – what should I do?
- Stick to regular meal and snack times. Serve food and give them through the next scheduled meal/snack to eat. But don’t restrict or guilt trip.
- Offer the same plate you originally served if asked for food before the next mealtime. Don’t prepare a separate “convenient” snack instead.
- Plan balanced snacks to ensure they eventually eat nutritious foods in moderation. Pair smart carbohydrates with protein, heart healthy fat or fiber rich fruits/veggies.
- Notice if consistent dinner refusal correlates with after school snacking or drinking filling beverages like juice or milk. Scale back so they arrive hungry for dinner.
In conclusion, dealing with picky eaters requires copious patience and creativity. But have hope! Employing positive reinforcement, playful presentation tricks, stealthy veggie smuggling and gentle exposure to variety can truly pay off over time. If you face mealtime battles with your kids, try some of these parent-tested tips and power-packed strategies to find what works for your family. Remember progress happens in inches, not leaps. So breathe deeply, and keep exposing those impressionable young palates!